Before your first visit, you can expect...

-An introductory email or phone call from me

-Two forms: a new client intake form and, if applicable, an insurance verification form*; you will receive these forms via email and you can return them to me the same way.

*Once I have verified your insurance coverage, I will alert you to your cost per session.

-Information about my office location, parking and public transit nearby, and the extension to dial when you arrive for your appointment 

During your first visit, you can expect...

-A handshake (I'm old school!)

-Information about confidentiality in therapy, my policies and your rights 

-To answer some questions about what made you decide to seek therapy

During subsequent therapy appointments, we will...

-Set goals for our work together

-Decide how we will measure your progress toward these goals

-Discuss past therapy (if applicable) and what has worked for you/what has not